
  • HP QTP Training – Learn QTP/UFT from the Best HP Certified Instructors

    Posted on September 25, 2013 by Admin

    QuickTest Pro training material isn’t hard to come by. A quick Google search will yield thousands of results to help you learn the tool. We even have a wide array of articles on our blog that provides tips and tricks on the topic of test automation and HP QuickTest Pro. The problem is, learning the tool and a couple of tricks is only half of the battle.

    What you will not get by watching a couple dozen Youtube videos and reading how-to articles:

    On the job experience and knowledge relayed by HP Certified Instructo Read Entire Entry

  • Xenapp Lingering Interferes with Vugen Recording in LoadRunner

    Posted on September 20, 2013 by Admin

    Recently one of our LoadRunner consultants was experiencing Vugen recording issues using the Citrix/Xenapp protocol. After some investigation into the configuration settings on the Xenapp server, a focus was placed on the “Linger” setting. When it was turned on, the session could not be properly hooked into by the recording engine of Vugen. Here is what Citrix says about this setting:

    Linger settings
    A user session ends after user processes and visible windows end (for example, when a user exits from an application, the sessio Read Entire Entry

  • Northway Navigators Club – $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

    Posted on September 16, 2013 by Admin

    Attention Northway Navigators:

    Since launching the Northway Navigators Club, several hundred people have signed up in these first few weeks. We are honored to have you as a member. Our intention is to create a closer community and reach out to everyone on a more personal level. If you have recommendations for new topics for Blog articles on the site, please send them to us through our Contact Us page.

    To show our appreciation to our members, we’re having a random drawing for a $25 Gift Card from We’ll announce t Read Entire Entry

  • Preparing Applications For Heavy Load (online webinar replay)

    Posted on September 5, 2013 by Admin

    On 8/22/13, we hosted a webinar on “Preparing Applications for Heavy Load”. HP’s Performance Evangelist, Wilson Mar, and Scott Moore, CEO of Northway Solutions Group, reviewed the importance of Performance Test planning and strategies to reduce the risk of your application failing under “point load” – expected or unexpected. We discussed:

    What’s needed to be sure your online application crash is not in the news
    Resources required to effectively test your applications
    What tool provides the most robust testing platform Read Entire Entry