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Programmatically Create A Unique Parameter Name
Posted on Jun, 2009 by Admin
Lets say you need to grab a list of items or numbers from a web page, such as GUID’s. These are not dynamic numbers, but will be used in a script as parameters. Here is how I captured the data I wanted and created my own DAT file:
- Figure out the format you want the DAT file to be in. For me, this was a GUID, another GUID, and a user ID. I created a file and put the top line in with the headers GUID1, GUID2, LOGIN and saved it to my C: drive in the root folder. I already knew the login so I had already set this up a a parameter called pLogin. The other two items I had to capture on the fly. For each user the list was different. Each user had between two and 60 items in their list.
- Figure out what you need to capture using the web_reg_save_param. I assume you already know how to do this. You will use the ORD=ALL to capture all of the items in the list that match your capture criteria, so make sure you have your boundaries set up so it will catch them all.
- Create a loop that gets the value of each of the things gathered by the ORD=ALL and spit them out to a file.
here is the code:
// Declarations
int i, ord;
int *reviewer_log;
char logdata[256];
char buid[64];
char asid[64];
char *outbufftemp;
char *outbufftemp2;
//Steps that captures the two GUID's
//Page that displays the information I want
"Name=Command", "Value=Login", ENDITEM,
"Name=email", "Value={pLogin}", ENDITEM,
"Name=password", "Value=password", ENDITEM,
"Name=TargetURL", "Value=Login.asp", ENDITEM,
//Count how many things you grabbed and put a message in the log
lr_output_message("Number of thing captured was %d", ord);
// Set up a loop that will start at the first thing captured, spit out the value
// to the log, and continue counting until you reach the value of ord.
for (i=1; i<=ord; i++){
sprintf(buid, "{pBUIDNumber_%d}", i);
outbufftemp = lr_eval_string(buid);
sprintf(asid, "{pAssessmentNum_%d}", i);
outbufftemp2 = lr_eval_string(asid);
reviewer_log = (int *) fopen("C:\\reviewer_log.txt", "a");
sprintf(logdata,"%s, %s, %s", outbufftemp, outbufftemp2, lr_eval_string("{pLogin}"));
fwrite(logdata, sizeof(logdata), 1, reviewer_log);
//Run the script so that you iterated in seqential order the amount of times
// needed to go through all the logins.
//End Code
It has been pointed out that the fwrite function won’t remove the trailing spaces and it may be easier to use the fprintf function. See this code:
char logdata[80];
long stream;
extern int memset (char *, int, int);
char * my_username = "lenny";
char * my_password = "squiggy";
if((stream = fopen("c:\\successful_namepairs.txt","a"))== NULL)
lr_error_message ("Opening of file failed");
lr_log_message ("Login successful for %s", my_password);
return 0;
//---------------end code------------------------
Paste that into the action file and you should have a new file created in your C:\ folder.
The line should be “lenny, squiggy” without the trailing spaces.