
  • HP QTP Training Class in Atlanta, GA (10/14/13)

    Posted on October 18, 2013 by Admin

    Northway Solutions Group hosted an HP QTP Training Class in Atlanta, GA the week of October 14, 2013. Five students attended this instructor-led class to learn the fundamentals of functional test automation using QTP/UFT, and to learn advanced scripting techniques to build skills beyond the scope of basic automation.

    We’d like to congratulate Josh, Chris, Sylvia, Leslie and Anita for passing the course and thank them for being exceptional students. Each student was able to demonstrate proficiency in the skills learned using Read Entire Entry

  • HP QTP Training – Learn QTP/UFT from the Best HP Certified Instructors

    Posted on September 25, 2013 by Admin

    QuickTest Pro training material isn’t hard to come by. A quick Google search will yield thousands of results to help you learn the tool. We even have a wide array of articles on our blog that provides tips and tricks on the topic of test automation and HP QuickTest Pro. The problem is, learning the tool and a couple of tricks is only half of the battle.

    What you will not get by watching a couple dozen Youtube videos and reading how-to articles:

    On the job experience and knowledge relayed by HP Certified Instructo Read Entire Entry

  • HP Service Virtualization: Test Earlier and Improve Time to Market (TTM)

    Posted on August 16, 2013 by Admin

    A fundamental shift is taking place in application development. Composite applications are in the forefront of enterprise software development where technology vendors are rapidly developing applications in a composite platform, providing greater flexibility for development teams to create applications which rely on an array of back-end services to deliver software.

    A common example of a composite application architecture is a collection of web-based services that integrate with other systems. For example, SOAP Read Entire Entry

  • HP UFT 11.52 Patch 1 Released

    Posted on August 13, 2013 by Admin

    HP UFT 11.52 Patch 1 (UFT_00056), which applies to HP UFT 11.52, was released on 08/13/13. This patch is a non-critical patch which addresses known defects in version 11.52. It also includes new environment support including support for Chrome 27, 28 and 29, and support for Firefox 22 and 23.
    Note:  The patch support model for UFT 11.5 has changed from the patch model used previously in versions of QTP (QuickTest Pro). New technology support, as well as fixes for known issues are now provided in cumulative service packs.
    HP h Read Entire Entry

  • HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack (11.52) Released

    Posted on June 7, 2013 by Admin

    HP UFT Service Pack 11.52 (UFT_00022), which applies to HP UFT 11.51 and 11.50, was released on 06/07/13. This service pack is a critical patch which includes updates to existing features and addresses known defects and performance issues in version 11.50 and 11.51. It also includes new environment support, new features and product enhancements.
    Note:  The patch support model for UFT 11.5 has changed from the patch model used previously in versions of QTP (QuickTest Pro). New technology support, as well as fixes for known issue Read Entire Entry

  • QTP 11: How to Enable Enhanced Debugging Features

    Posted on March 26, 2013 by Admin

    QTP 11 (and versions 9-10) installs Microsoft Script Debugger to provide the debugging features in QuickTest Pro scripts. Without the debugging engine, all of the QTP debug features are unavailable. Microsoft Script Debugger ships with an archaic version (7.10.3077) of Process Debug Manager (PDM).

    Out of the box, QTP provides limited VBScript debugging capabilities. An automation engineer does not have the ability to view the properties/methods of variables/objects in their full extent. Objects, like Object Repository obje Read Entire Entry

  • The Automated Mobile Application Testing Tools Market Explained

    Posted on February 7, 2013 by Admin

    Selecting and evaluating a mobile application testing tool to support functional test automation can be a cumbersome task. Every tool in the market has a different set of features, limitations, challenges and caveats (which are often not discovered until after purchase or during a POC).

    Before surveying the various tools in the market, begin with defining internal requirements for an automated mobile app testing tool. I recommend reviewing our article on the most common mobile application testing automation tool requiremen Read Entire Entry

  • How HP UFT/QTP Recognizes Objects for Recording & Playback

    Posted on December 11, 2012 by Admin

    While delivering our HP UFT/QTP training course, I am frequently asked why it is necessary to launch the application under test (AUT) after QTP (QuickTest Pro) has launched (and the appropriate add-ins are loaded).

    The simple answer is that UFT/QTP recognizes objects by “hooking” into the AUT. This is accomplished by “watching” for applications to hook into so UFT can interact with the AUT to support record and replay functionality as well as expose the underlying objects. The potential side effect of not launching QTP before Read Entire Entry

  • Top 10 Mobile Application Testing Automation Tool Requirements

    Posted on November 27, 2012 by Admin

    It’s no secret that mobile applications, native, hybrid and web based, are in high consumer demand. The world is moving from the desktop to mobile devices. Tablets are projected to outsell PCs by Q3 2012 and mobile devices outshipped PCs in 2011. Mobile devices and tablets are the technology of the future. If your organization is not already invested in mobile applications, there’s a strong chance you will be in the near future.

    Our clients asked us for solution recommendations and requirements to tackle the task of automat Read Entire Entry

  • Service Test 11: How To Set HTTP Request Headers & Get HTTP Response Headers

    Posted on July 13, 2012 by Admin

    Recently one of our clients asked if it was possible to set HTTP Request Headers  and retrieve HTTP Response Headers in Service Test 11 for REST and SOAP activities. The test case began by executing an activity to authenticate and retrieve an authentication token, and that token had to be passed in an authentication header for every remaining activity. This is all possible in Service Test 11.20 – let’s take a look at how it’s done.
    Setting HTTP Request Headers
    SOAP Activities

    For SOAP activities, C# code can be added to e Read Entire Entry