
  • Set up an Oracle Monitor in LoadRunner Using a Baseball Bat

    Posted on February 18, 2010 by Admin

    Recently, I needed to setup an Oracle monitor in LoadRunner so I decided to take some screen shots along the way so that I could post them along with some instructions. I do this because I know I will forget how to do this in the future, so when the next project rolls around that requires it, I can search Google and find my own article on the topic. It’s a great ego booster. Maybe you are looking to do this, and it will help you too.

    Whenever I go into a project where previous LoadRunner testing did not include proper monitoring (b Read Entire Entry

  • LoadRunner 9.52 – Latest Features and Bugs

    Posted on February 15, 2010 by Admin

    LoadRunner 9.52 is mostly bug fixes, but I wanted to key in what’s new with it:

    Flex Protocol Enhancements. Improved support of externalizable objects and general protocol usability. Updated user interface for Recording Options and Run-Time Settings (Flex > Externalizable Objects node). Added Code Generation Errors dialog box that displays details about errors, as well as recommended actions.
    Web Services protocol enhancements. The Web Services protocol now supports JMS messages based on JMS topics and Windows authenticat Read Entire Entry

  • VuGen: Open A File On A Remote Machine

    Posted on February 2, 2010 by Admin

    The user wants to open a file existing on a remote machine in VuGen, but using the fopen function causes a C interpreter error. What this error means is that there was something wrong in the syntax, but the problem comes up only when file is stored in the remote machine.

    The host name itself contains two backslashes as a part of the name. So, in order to specify the complete path of the host machine, you need to precede each backslash with another backslash.

    NOTE: when adding script to Controller, you need to add yourfile.txt Read Entire Entry

  • LoadRunner Monitor Over Firewall Patch

    Posted on December 1, 2009 by Admin

    If you are having an issue trying to select certian perfmon counters for the Windows Resources monitor when using the Monitor Over Firewall in LoadRunner, there is a patch from HP which will correct this. It is basically an updated cm_nt_monui.dll file (located under the \BIN folder in your main LoadRunner install directory). Save off the old one by renaming it first, then replace the new one. You can get this patch from HP support by opening an incident report.

    Here is what the issue looks like:

    Note that you cannot select Read Entire Entry

  • LoadRunner VuGen: DO Loop Example

    Posted on November 12, 2009 by Admin

    Most people who use Vugen and have a development background know loops. In C or most other programming languages, a loop is a loop. Sometimes in my classes I will ask students the main difference between a “do while” loop verses a “while” loop to see if they have that programming background. A “do” loop requires that the code you want to run does execute at least once before checking the condition to see if it should run again. But how about a real world example when scripting for a load test?

    How about trying to click a refres Read Entire Entry

  • Open LoadRunner Analysis Graphs with Custom Granularity

    Posted on October 28, 2009 by Admin

    Is there a way to set the Analysis Tool to open new graphs with a custom granularity? For example, LoadRunner may open all graphs with the granularity set to 300 seconds. Is there away to set it to 10 seconds?


    Create a user-defined template for the Analysis tool. There is no way to set the same granularity to all graphs in Analysis once the result set has been processed. However as a work-around, create and use a user-defined template.

    Open a result set in Analysis.
    Open up all sets of graphs.
    In each graph, s Read Entire Entry

  • LoadRunner Analysis Templates and Filters

    Posted on October 26, 2009 by Admin

    I was wondering about how Global Filters are applied in an Analysis template and how the template DEF files could be modified if you wanted to make one simple change to your template but did want to create a template from scratch . I got this information back from HP Support which has information in it about Global filters that I did not know:

    “Applying a global filter sets ALL the filter fields of ALL opened graphs. If the global filter’s field is set to a value different than the default one (almost always empty), this filter i Read Entire Entry

  • Citrix Presentation Server Settings and LoadRunner

    Posted on October 20, 2009 by Admin

    Recently I was working on a Citrix testing project with LoadRunner and I was reminded of all the server settings for the Citrix servers and Generators that have to be checked, in addition to all of the Vugen script run-time settings, and script enhancement. In some cases, we at Loadtester have had to become part-time Citrix server administrators to get our projects done on time. One of the Citrix server settings we always recommend initially is for any session that disconnects to be reset to login, instead of leaving it open. This Read Entire Entry

  • VuGen: More Random Selections

    Posted on October 14, 2009 by Admin

    The following lines will capture a list returned from a web server page response and
    then randomly select one of the items from that list and pass it on
    to the next URL

    int rNum;
    char x[500];


    “Some URL’s”,

    //srand is called before rand


    rNum= rand() % atoi(lr_eval_string(“{temp_cat_count}”)) + 1;

    lr_output_message (“A number between 1 and temp_cat_count: %d\n”, rNum);

    /* rNum will be some rando Read Entire Entry

  • Enabling the new graphs in LoadRunner Analysis 9.51

    Posted on September 1, 2009 by Admin

    I have been wanting to check out the new Throughput graphs. HP Support released Knowledge Base Article #KM759621 on August 12, 2009. “How to use the new Throughput (MB) and J2EE/.Net Probe Metrics graphs that were added in SP1 for LR/PC 9.5.”

    In Performance Center, In addition to applying SP1 to the PC components such as Usersite/Admin site, Utiliy server, Hosts etc… You must apply the separate SP1 for Analysis Stand Alone.

    SP1 for LoadRunner 9.5 is required. You must also ensure that the Diagnostics Server is running the late Read Entire Entry