HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1 Released
Posted on Aug, 2013 by Admin
HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1 (TD4QC_00350, TD4QC_00351, TD4QC_00349 and TD4QC_00348), which applies to HP ALM 11.52, was released on 08/15/13. This patch is a non-critical patch which includes new features, updates to existing features and addresses known defects and performance issues in version 11.52.
Note: The patch support model for ALM 11.5 has changed from the patch model used previously in versions of ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) and QC (Quality Center). New technology support, as well as fixes for known issues are now provided in cumulative service packs.
How to download ALM 11.52 Patch 1
To download the service pack, visit the HP software patches support website:
- 32-bit (KM00487950)
- 64-bit (KM00487948)
- Linux (KM00487944)
- Sun Solaris (KM00487946)
This service pack is not cumulative and can only be applied to HP ALM 11.52.
New Environment Support in HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1
The following environment support has been included in HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1:
- Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
- Internet Expxlorer 10 (Windows 7 SP1)
Service Requests
The following service requests have been addressed in HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1:
Service Request | Summary |
QCCR1J32015 | Two simultaneous users were not able to select or download attachments from the same entity. The entity was locked by the first user’s selection of the attachment. Note: The entity is still locked for other users when one user renames, uploads, removes or changes the description of an attachment. Other users cannot edit attachments during that time. |
206276 [Internal] | Users in certain user groups could not save changes in Performance tests. Note: In order for the user to get permissions to edit a Performance test, when granting Update permissions on Test, the entire Update folder has to be selected in the Permissions page. Limitation: If the update folder only shows a “faded” check mark, the user has to uncheck it and check it again to grant the missing permissions. |
206393 [Internal] | Private hosts could not be added by some user groups. |
206294 [Internal] | Vusers could not be added for a Performance test when editing a Build Verification Suite. |
204042 [Internal] | In a versioning enabled project, removing a Business Process Testing component with thousands of iterations was slower than expected. |
204738 [Internal] | In a versioning enabled project, adding hundreds of iterations (each containing more than 30 parameters for a Business Process Testing component) at once, was slower than expected. |
205130 [Internal] | In a versioning enabled project, an error was thrown when copy-pasting a huge Business Process Test containing more than 10 thousand iteration parameters. |
204309 [Internal] | The “CommandList.MoveUp” and “CommandList.MoveDown” workflow events were not triggered when components were moved in a Business Process Test by drag and drop. |
204299 [Internal] | Changes done for Flow parameters from the grid view were not saved if after changing them, another test was selected. |
205038 [Internal] | ALM passwords were visible from the Business Process Testing Remote Agent log. |
205203 [Internal] | The status of Business Components in the last run results report was always No Run in cases where a required UDF was defined for test steps. |
205109 [Internal] | When trying to run a Business Process Test with a specific structure that contained Flows and Groups, an error Index was out of range appeared. |
205205 [Internal] | When trying to ungroup a components group in a Business Process Test or Flow test, an error Item doesnt exist appeared. |
204300 [Internal] | Creating many Business Component iterations from the Iterations dialog structure was slower than expected. |
206220 [Internal] | When performing Undo Check-out after grouping Business Components, an error Object Reference appeared. |
204439 [Internal] | When running Business Process Tests manually, an error message was raised when parameters were added to already included Business Components using the “<<< >>>” notation. |
204301 [Internal] | Business Process Test execution: The transition time between Business Components and between iterations of Business Components for tests with a lot of iterations and Business Components, took longer than expected. |
204303 [Internal] | Business Process Test execution: Execution initialization time for Business Process Tests having many Business Components and iterations took longer than expected. |
204343 [Internal] | Business process Test execution: When trying to run Business Process Tests from a machine on which the login was done using a user name having non-English characters, an error appeared. |
203703 [Internal] | Business Process Test execution: When trying to run Business Process Tests with many Business Components and iterations, the Business Process Testing Remote Agent failed and the execution of the tests was stopped. |
204298 [Internal] | When synchronizing from a baseline containing automated components that were automated only after they were imported, the following issues occurred in the target library: Business Process Tests that included such components failed when executed from the target library, using Unified Functional Testing Business Process Tests that included such components ran successfully when executed from the target library using QuickTest Professional 11.00, but the execution was done in non-wrapper mode, and the execution was potentially slower The keyword view of such components, when selected using the Unified Functional Testing plugin, was not displayed properly. |
205146 [Internal] | When upgrading projects to ALM11.5, if there were Business Components in which there were two or more parameters with the same name (but different case text) in the same Business Component, an error of FP_COMPONENT_PARAM_IDX is not found appeared. |
203930 [Internal] | Workflow event Req_CanPost was not triggered when a new folder was created in the Requirements module. |
205293 [Internal] | When calling OTA from a VB Script, the interface IBaseFactory2 properties could not be accessed. |
204839 [Internal] | Modify permission of a table (an entity) was not aligned with its child columns (fields). |
QCCR1J27659 | A “GenerateBPTWrapperTest System.NullReferenceException” error occurred when running certain Business Process Testing Wrapper Tests. |
QCCR1J17195 | Business Components parameters could not be reordered. |
QCCR1J62030 | Providing multi-line values for Business Component parameters was not possible. |
QCCR1J62695 | Export defects to Excel could not be completed and the “Could not export to a file.” error was dislayed when a huge amount of data was kept in the comments field. Export operation now warns if specific cells within the grid exceed 32k in size. The export operation succeeds, but data beyond 32k is truncated. Cells with truncated data are colored red. |
QCCR1J31609 | TDCommand protocol error occurred when navigating by td:// link. |
204335 [Internal] | After adding an Action into a QuickTest Professional test and capturing a new baseline, the library synchronization did not replicate the Action scripts to the target project. |
204825 [Internal] | After deleting an Action from a QuickTest Professional test and capturing a new baseline, the library synchronization failed. |
QCCR1J62006 | Listing a release with 100 or more cycles took a long time. |
QCCR1J29634 | When expanding the Release/Cycle tree, an error occurred if there was a data hiding filter on user defined fields that allowed multiple values. |
QCCR1J28332 | Synchronizing Libraries between projects using baseline could not be completed and an error message was displayed. |
QCCR1J31651 | A Manual test to a remote VC project could not be copied if the test called another test with actual parameter values. |
QCCR1J31323 | Progress graph generation failed in ORACLE 10 ALM projects. |
204769 [Internal] | In an Excel worksheet created by ALM, inserting a graph based on data from only some of the rows in the worksheet caused an error when trying to save the report to the ALM server. |
QCCR1J31543 | Large images in rich text were cropped in the Project report. |
QCCR1J31782 | Versioning related fields were not included in Document Generator when Full page was used for Requirement Entity reporting. |
QCCR1J61945 | In Live Analysis on a copied Test set folder, no information was displayed for the Test Instance Progress Graph. |
QCCR1J31662 | The Select Baseline option in project reports could not be selected. |
QCCR1J31665 | The Rich Text field was improperly rendered in Requirements Project Reports. This fix requires the additional manual step of uploading the ‘Style Template Fixed template as default Style Template for project reports. |
QCCR1J31289 | “Invalid Server Response” and “server is not available” errors occured in some login scenarios. |
QCCR1J31180 | Tyring to use the function DownloadPictures, associated with a business process object, resulted in an exception thrown by OTA: “Attempted to read or write protected memory.” |
QCCR1J30184 | URL attachments with non-latin characters could not be opened. |
QCCR1J31022 | When trying to access folders in the UI with a large number of attachments (3000+), the error “not enough storage is available to process this command” occurred on the client. |
QCCR1J31538 | In the Requirements Module Coverage Analysis view, when using an OR filter for requirements type, coverage analysis was not shown. |
QCCR1J31836 | Full text search on Test Design Steps did not work when the DB used was SQL Server. |
QCCR1J31595 | Server was muted due to an out of memory error caused by wrong data in the CROS_REF table. |
QCCR1J30955 | An error was encountered when trying to enter the Set Default Values dialog after a selected default value was removed from the custom list. |
QCCR1J30414 | Granting group permissions to create and modifiy requirements also required granting permission to cover those requirements with tests. |
QCCR1J31341 | The “Failed initializing plugin Requirements Plugin error occurred after product installation in a specific environment. |
QCCR1J30143 | In specific upgraded projects, e-mail icons appeared in the defect details dialog box on items that should not have had them (Status or Modified, for example). |
QCCR1J30566 | After project migration, accent characters in the description of the component’s parameters were replaced by HTML tags. |
QCCR1J30957 | In the upgrade of specific projects, the following error occurred: “SQL INSERT query has less columns than actual Resource_Folders table defined”. |
QCCR1J30655 | Project update could not complete successfully when redundant data existed in the SYSTEM_FIELD table. |
QCCR1J29582 | Microsoft Office Export add-in stopped responding when activated by a user belonging exclusively to a group set with a data-hiding filter. |
QCCR1J31212 | Rich text conversion could not be completed successfully when importing projects from QC 10.0 to ALM 11.0. |
QCCR1J62170 | Intermittently QuickTest Professional could not complete execution of a test in a test set upgraded from a previous version. |
QCCR1J27421 | Filtering a large requirements tree view while keeping a hierarchical structure was slower than expected. |
QCCR1J30341 | Unnecessary emails were sent when clicking on Requirement History view in a version controlled project. |
QCCR1J31630 | Newly typed in text was formatted using bullets after the bullet formatting was cleared from existing text. |
QCCR1J31649 | Improper numbering was applied on numbered lists in the Rich text editor. |
QCCR1J31542 | Extra lines were unexpectedly added to the Rich Text field. |
QCCR1J30669 | The border lines of a table row in rich text were broken after merging the cells and undoing this action. |
QCCR1J30568 | When expanding the Release/Cycle tree, an error “Failed to Get Simple Key entity” occurred if there was a filter on user defined fields that allowed multiple values. |
QCCR1J31957 | In a version control enabled project, when logging in as a user belonging to a group with data hiding on test/resource, navigating to the History tab of an entity in Business Models displayed an “Index was out of range” error. |
QCCR1J31666 | The Rich Text field was improperly rendered in Requirements Project Reports. There is still one limitation that font size and style of a number in a numbered list does not match the size and style of the line in the Rich Text UI. This fix requires the additional manual step of uploading the ‘Style Template Fixed template asd efaultStyle Template for the project report. |
QCCR1J61666 | For requirements from imported libraries, the green asterisk in the Test Coverage tab was displayed although there was no linked test. |
QCCR1J31675 | Removing Test Coverage from multiple scripts generated an error. |
QCCR1J31566 | In the Requirements Traceability view, the sort order was not saved. |
QCCR1J30209 | Site Analysis did not show the current day’s result when selecting a Custom Period including the current day. |
QCCR1J28724 | Updating a conflicting user record could not be completed on a Chinese edition of HP ALM. |
QCCR1J61644 | Import of a consecutive LDAP user by keyword was not possible. |
QCCR1J62887 | ALM project could not be accessed using multi-value UDFs over Oracle 11g. |
206384 [Internal] | Verify/Repair inconsistency in data verification caused upgrade failure. |
QCCR1J30871 | An error was encountered when clicking on a Test Set containing QuickTest Professional tests: “The opening tag ‘br’ in line 1 does not match the end tag of ‘div’. Line 1. position 165”. |
QCCR1J31468 | When copying a Test Set, the Tester field content was copied into the Test Instances in the new Test Set, although the status of the test run was No run. Now when a Test Set is copied, the Tester field is blank. |
QCCR1J30948 | Tests with missing configurations and orphan Run results files in the Smart Repository were not deleted from the Smart Repository (namely from SMART_REPOSITORY_LOGICAL_FILE and SMART_REPOSITORY_PHYSICAL_FILE tables). |
QCCR1J32015 | Two simultaneous users were not able to select or download attachments from the same entity. The entity was locked by the first user’s selection of the attachment. Note: The entity is still locked for other users when one user renames, uploads, removes or changes the description of an attachment. Other users cannot edit attachments during that time. |
Related Patches
The following patches have been released which are directly related to HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1:
- HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1: 32-bit (KM00487950)
- HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1: 64-bit (KM00487948)
- HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1: Linux (KM00487944)
- HP ALM 11.52 Patch 1: Sun Solaris (KM00487946)
- HP Performance Center 11.52 Patch 1 (KM00487952)