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HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack (11.52) Released

HP UFT Service Pack 11.52 (UFT_00022), which applies to HP UFT 11.51 and 11.50, was released on 06/07/13. This service pack is a critical patch which includes updates to existing features and addresses known defects and performance issues in version 11.50 and 11.51. It also includes new environment support, new features and product enhancements.

Note:  The patch support model for UFT 11.5 has changed from the patch model used previously in versions of QTP (QuickTest Pro). New technology support, as well as fixes for known issues are now provided in cumulative service packs.

How to download UFT 11.5 Service Pack 11.52

To download the service pack, visit the HP software patches support website (KM00447986).

This service pack is cumulative and can be applied to UFT 11.51 or UFT 11.50.

UPDATE:  UFT 11.52 Patch 1 has been released.
After upgrading to 11.52, this patch can be installed.

New Environment Support in HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack 11.52

The following environment support has been included in HP UFT Service Pack 11.52:

Operating Systems
  • Windows 8 (full support)
  • Windows 2012 (technology preview; not fully supported)
Web Add-in
  • Mozilla Firefox 18, 19, 20 & 21
  • Internet Explorer 10 (full support in Windows 8)
  • Internet Explorer 10 (technology preview in Windows 7 & 2012)
  • Dojo 1.8
Flex Add-in
  • Apache Flex SDK 4.9
  • SAP Netweaver Portal 7.3
  • SAP CRM 7.0.2
Terminal Emulators
  • HP TeemTalk 7.2

New Features in HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack 11.52

The following features or changes have been included in HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack 11.52:

BPT (Business Process Testing)
  • Run Results Viewer now provides the same level of detail as provided when executing BPT tests from the Test Lab in ALM.
  • BPT Tests can now be created from within UFT, including creating, editing and executing of BPT test cases and flows.
GUI Testing
  • ALM AUT Parameters are now available in GUI Tests. This allows linking from a GUI Test to ALM AUT Environment parameters. Previously, these were only available in API Tests.
  • SAP Solution Manager can now pass complex values (i.e., XML values or arrays) to and from a GUI Test.
API Testing
  • WADL (Web Application Description Language) Documents can be imported into API Tests, including the hierarchy of services, resources and methods (similar to a REST service).

Product Enhancements in HP UFT 11.5 Service Pack 11.52

  • A new button has been added to the UFT Options dialog called Restore Factory Defaults. This allows factory defaults to be restored.
  • The Remote Agent Log Settings dialog has been removed.
  • UFT Help has been enhanced to provide visual improvements similar to a web-based format. This includes product user guides, tutorials and the object model reference. UFT Advanced References Help has been added to the UFT Help menu, which provides additional reference material (UFT, Object Repository Automation and XML Schema references).
GUI Testing
  • The Save with Resources feature is now available for GUI Tests. ALM and network-based GUI Tests can be saved as portable tests.
  • ClickSpecial has been added to the InsightObject. The Insight object’s parent TO is now brought into focus prior to executing the InsightObject.Click method.
  • .XLSX Excel files are now fully supported.
  • Test level parameter management has been simplified and incorporated into the Parameters tab for the UFT Properties pane. The Parameters pane of the Test Settings dialog bog has been removed.
  • The Web Add-in now supports the Style/* notation to access values in HTML5 CSS properties. For example, this notation can be used in Descriptive Programming.
  • The Dojo Add-in now supports testing of the behavior of calendar controls in Dojo 1.8 applications.
  • the SAP Add-in now supports 22 new SAP Web Dynpro ABAP controls. See the built-in help text for a complete list.
API Testing
  • REST Services are now displayed as single activities instead of composite activities.
  • Using the REST Services Editor, service properties can be passed throughout the REST hierarchy.
  • XLM Text (REST) can now be loaded into the Request and Response fields directly. XML does not need to be loaded as an XML file.

Service Requests

The following service requests have been addressed in HP UFT Service Pack 11.52:

Service Request Summary
QCCR1J18199 Proceed to next step option does not work if the library is executed by ExecuteFile method
QCCR1J28295 Better error handling when using LoadFunction
QCCR1J29327 Problem recording a specific SAP Table for WDA
QCCR1J31093 The Extensibility tool does not highlight any objects when attempting to create a new Rule on an object in the browser, on Windows 7.
QCCR1J31419 A specific Visual Basic 6 application will crash when pressing a specific button, if UFT is launched.
QCCR1J31660 To have an option “None” when XML is selected as response body, an output checkpoint is enabled and no XML is received.
QCCR1J31703 Data Parameter options missing in LR Enabled ST Test.
QCCR1J31769 UFT 11.5 is returning garbage characters when running PbDataWindow.GetCellData
QCCR1J61755 Service test functionality of UFT 11.5 with WS-Security fails to function properly
QCCR1J62377 Automatic defect submission cannot be used in UFT
QCCR1J62381 HP Service Test stops responding while trying to map the Excel file as a parameter value to the XML.
QCCR1J62802 Find functionality does not work correctly for function libraries
QCCR1J62862 GUI tests containing calls to API tests fail to run from ALM in hidden mode
QCCR1J63010 UFT Stop Button not available after calling a GUI Action

Complete Details

The full HP Unified Functional Testing 11.52 Service Pack Readme is available, although it does not provide the level of detail found in this post. Locally, this can be found after installing the service pack at “C:\Program Files\HP\Unified Functional Testing\help\Readme.htm” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\help\Readme.htm” (for 64-bit installations).

To obtain the level of detail in this post, view the HP Unified Functional Testing Help text in UFT 11.52, visit the HP software patches support website (KM00447986) and review the HP release blog post.

Related Service Packs

The following service packs have been released which are directly related to HP UFT Service Pack 11.52:

  • UFT RRV Service Pack 11.52 (UFTRRV_00022) – KM00447996
  • UFT ALM Add-in Service Pack 11.52 (UFTALM_00022) – KM00448000
  • UFT EA Tool Service Pack 11.52 (UFTEXA_00022) – KM00447992

Note:  UFT RRV Service Pack 11.52 (UFTRRV_00022) is automatically applied with SP 11.52. The ALM Add-in and EA Tool, however, are not and must be manually patched.

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