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LoadRunner 11: Capturing text using the Citrix Agent on XenApp 6.5 SOLVED

Recently at one of our clients, they had an issue with not being able to capture text with the ctrx_get_text function using the 64-Bit version of the Citrix Agent for LoadRunner 11.  Read the steps here that finally fixed the issue for them. This is based on XenApp 6.5.  The client was running Windows 2008 RS SP1. This resolution references Win2008R2, but it still worked. Notice it is for version 11 Patch 2 of the Citrix Agent (not Patch 2 of LoadRunner as a whole). Patch 3 version of the Citrix agent had issues with the application under test freezing up. After moving back to the Citrix Agent patch 02 (x64) they did the following:

  1. Open a command prompt and browse to the bin folder inside the Citrix Agent installation folder
  2. Execute the following command: “nt_tr.exe –remove
  3. Backup the existing paldrv*.sys files inside the bin folder of the Citrix Agent installation path.
  4. Unpack paldrv*.sys files from the file into the Agent’s \bin directory. Download the zip file here. Once extracted, rename the files from the extension name “.old” to “.sys”.
  5. Launch “nt_tr.exe” without arguments to install the new drivers
  6. After performing the above steps, run the command “sc query paldrv” to make sure the driver’s state is “RUNNING”
  7. Confirm if the expected functionality is working.

If this does not work for you, then this may not be the same issue you are facing. You should contact HP Support for assistance in that case.

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